The group in 2021
Group 2021

Margherita Festa, postdoc Tel. (+39) 0106475 566/520

Abraham Tettey-Matey, postdoc Tel. (+39) 0106475 566/520

Maria Antonietta Coppola, postdoc Tel. (+39) 0106475 566/520

  Old pictures

Former lab members

Paolo Zuccolini, now postdoc at NIH in Joe Mindells lab NIH

Alessia Remigante, now research scientist Uni Messina, Messina

Sara Bertelli, now postdoc in Andrew Plested's lab Berlin

Antonella Gradogna, now Research Scientist at IBF Genova

Ilaria Zanardi, now at ISMAR, CNR, Genova

Giovanni Zifarelli, now at Centogene, Rostock

Michele Fiore, now research scientists at IBF Genova

Silvia De Stefano, now teaching physics in Genova

Laura Lagostena, now Research Scientist at IBF Genova

Elena Jeworutzki, now teaching back in her home

Consuelo Murgia, now teacher in Genova

Elena Babini, now teacher in Genova

Paolo Soliani

Alessandra Picollo, now Dulbecco Telethon scientist at IBF Genova

Loretta Ferrera, now Research Scientist at the Gaslini hospital.

Rita Aiello

Sonia Traverso, now teaching in Genova

Laura Elia, now at the University of Sydney, Australia

Patrizia Guida, now at the University of Genoa

Alessio Accardi, now professor at Cornell University, NY, USA

Raffaella Magrassi, now at IBF Genova

Lara Bertorello, now at the Ferrovie Italiane

Chiara Saviane, now at SISSA, Trieste, Italy