Curriculum vitae of Carla Marchetti


Born in Genoa, Italy on November 2nd, 1955

Nationality: Italian

Residence: Genoa, Italy

Present address

Istituto di Biofisica

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche,

via De Marini, 6,

16149 Genova


tel 010-6475578

FAX 010-6475500


Curriculum studiorum

October 1980 - PhD in Physical Sciences and Biophysics at the University of Genoa, Italy   with a thesis entitled "Transport of energy and information across the cell membrane: topology and functionality of some surface components".


Working experience

February 1981 - January 1984 : research fellow in a joint program between Fidia Research Laboratories Abano Terme, Padova (Italy), and Institute of Cybernetics and Biophysics (ICB),   CNR, Camogli (Italy);

February - June 1984 research fellow   at the Department of Neurophysiology, Max Planck Institut für Psychiatrie, Munich (Germany), under the supervision of prof. E.Carbone and prof. H.D.Lux;

March 1985 - July 1987 : research fellow   at the Department of   Physiology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas (march-november 1985) and later at the Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas (USA) under the supervision of prof. A.M.Brown;

From February 1984 is permanent researcher at Institute of Cybernetics and Biophysics , Genoa, now Institute of Biophysics, National Research Council.

From May 8, 2002 to Apr 9, 2003 has been Head of the Genoa Division of the Institute of Biophysics (In April 2003, the Genoa Division was suppressed, because IBF's headquarters, initially based in Pisa, were transferred to Genoa)


Main research interests

Electrophysiology of nervous and endocrine culture cells (investigated by patch-recording techniques);

Kinetics, pharmacology and modulation of voltage-dependent ion channels, in particular those permeable to calcium

Dynamics of intracellular calcium studied by fluorescent probes

Pathways accumulation and mechanisms and toxicity of heavy metals, such as cadmium and lead, in mammalian cells

Modulation of neurotrasmitter-gated ion channels by metal ions in primary cultures and in recombinant receptorss expressed in heterologous systems (frog oocytes and/or mammalian cells).

Research projects

1992-1994 – Responsible of the Joint Project CNR-Bayer Italia SpA entitled “Pharmacology and modulation of dihydropyridine-sensitive voltage-dependent calcium channels in rat cerebellar neurons”

1997-1999 – Coordinator of the CNR special project entitled “ Uptake, accumulation and toxicity of heavy metal in biosystems

1998 – Supervisor of the project “ Effect of flibanserin in the local circuit neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex of the rat ”, a collaboration between Boehringer Ingelheim Italia Research Laboratory (Milano) and ICB-CNR (Genoa)

1999-2001 - Responsible of the Sub-project: Environmental sensors in the CNR National project: “Biologic Sensors and design of biosensors”

2003- 2005 - Responsible for IBF in the MIUR-FIRB project " In-vitro neuronal networks chronically coupled to microtransducer arrays and interacting with an artificial body a new powerful tool to study brain-machine interface and in vitro brain plasticity" Coordinator: prof. Roberto Morasso, DIST, University of Genoa.


Other activities

She has been an invited speaker at National and International Institutions and Symposiums

She has taught the following speciality courses:

" Calcium channels in Physiology and Pathology of the nervous System ” SSOSB, Genova (Italy), 1991 .

Proteins ” School of Pure and applied Biophysics (SIBPA) -   ISLVA Venezia (Italy)- 1996

Transduction of signals in neural cells ” SSOSB, Genova, 1997

Physiological role of calcium channels " University of Bari (Italy), 1999

She has been supervisor to more than 15 doctorial thesis in Biological, Pharmacological and Physical Science.

She has acted as peer referee for International Journal (Eur.Journal of Biophysics, Brain Research, Neuroscience, Neuroscience Letters, Food and Chemical Toxicology)

She acts as peer referee of research projects for the Italian Ministry of Research (MIUR)

She is a member of the Society for Neuroscience USA and of the Italian Society of Biophysics SIBPA.

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