

Paolo Facci, Director of Research

CNR - Istituto di Biofisica

Via De Marini, 6 - 16149 Genova, Italy

tel: +39 010 6475535/541

fax: +39 010 6475500

citation index

Biographical sketch

Degree in Physics, PhD in Biophysics at the University of Genova, Italy (1996).
Post-doc at Dept. of Physics, University of Parma, Italy (1997-1998).
1999 -2009, Senior Scientist of the Italian National Institute for the Physics of Matter - INFM - (since 2005 CNR).

2010- Director of Research at CNR.
Founder (2001) and head of the NanoBioLab of CNR-NANO, Modena, and CNR-IBF, Genova, Italy.
In 2002 he has been awarded “Premio Campisano” by  INFM “for his achievements in the field of growth and characterization of organic and biological matter”.

PI of several EU, national, and regional projects.
Author of more than 100 papers and 6 patents.

He has given more than 30 invited talks/key note lectures at international conferences and schools.

Paolo Facci is Associate Editor of BioNanoScience (Springer) and IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience.